Monday 4 July 2011


Here I was at Richmix theater on a music video workshop with the director _________ who directed spice girls  and Robbie Williams. At this workshop, there were a selection of schools, our objective was to replicate the music video Robbie Williams - Let me Entertain you. This was to get us used to being loose on camera and overall gain the understanding of a better performance when it comes to filming. We also got a few tips on how to film. In this image i am on the chair being pushed by a fellow member of the team from another school, we had a camera a chair and a person to push us. I was on the chair, there was other person handling the chair and a Robbie cam, my duties was to film the band, and get closeups of them playing instruments, and generally shots i though were interesting. The Robbie cam was primarily focusing on the person playing Robbie Williams, and the other camera was also doing what i was doing but on the opposing side. We were pushed on the chair in a semi-circular pattern, throughout the whole song. because there was no dolly, or tripod we was essentially playing those parts; we was given a tip by the director, we was supposed to place our elbow on the upper part of our hip, and lock it the best we could whilst holding our right hind through the strap and steadying it with our left hand. This tip was very useful, the footage was fairly steady, and we gained some nice shots. A disadvantage was the fact the person pushing me ran in to bumps on the floor due to wiring, so sometimes there was  a lag in the shot. 

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