Monday 4 July 2011

Astronauts and All

This is a example of  a performance based based music video, as the video is of a band purely playing there instruments and singing. This works well for this genre, as there is not usually a good enough story to make a narrative based video on,  stereo-typically pop songs lyrics are usually about sex, and party life. Stereo-typically the artists there selfs are a portrayed as good looking so the production company wants allot of close ups, of the band. 

In this music video there are allot of close ups of the main singer, to connote sexual appeal to the female audience. And power, he is the lead so he should have more close ups, there are also allot of close ups on the band members playing instruments which conforms to the stereotypical expectation of the pop genre, as band usually have people playing instruments, its part of there USP(unique selling point) so the video has to demonstrate this.

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