Wednesday 13 July 2011

Music Video analysis - Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

This son "Strawberry Swing" is a song by English alternative rock band Coldplay and is the fifth and final single from the band's fourth studio album, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.
This song video is a stop motion video. which features a man called Chris Martin laying on the ground against animated chalk drawings. Stop motion is a effect based on classic frame by frame animation, a rigid animation style that overall looks good. Stop motion introduces a realism aspect with a less modern style. This is  affect I can use in my music video, through the utility Istop Motion. 

The composition begins with Chris walking up to his house Once he sees that a woman is being held hostage by a giant squirrel, he turns into a superhero and attempts to save her. Along the way, Martin faces attacks from the squirrel and a giant fish in the ocean. When Martin finally gets to the squirrel's home, he rescues the lady by drawing a nut-shaped bomb that blows the squirrel up. The two then fly away and begin to kiss. The animation suddenly stops and Martin gets up off the chalk-colored floor in real speed and walks away.

This music video uses intertexual references to superman. Chris is flying round the city, like superman in the movies. The song is purely narrative, the animation is telling the story, I believe the story is about remembering a memory, and the video demonstrates the in a abstract manor. The video is not exactly a exact match for the lyrics although it does share the same theme.  

The video is mainly shot in mid shot as there is allot happening at once its trying to emphasis the story of the character.

Monday 4 July 2011

Astronauts and All

This is a example of  a performance based based music video, as the video is of a band purely playing there instruments and singing. This works well for this genre, as there is not usually a good enough story to make a narrative based video on,  stereo-typically pop songs lyrics are usually about sex, and party life. Stereo-typically the artists there selfs are a portrayed as good looking so the production company wants allot of close ups, of the band. 

In this music video there are allot of close ups of the main singer, to connote sexual appeal to the female audience. And power, he is the lead so he should have more close ups, there are also allot of close ups on the band members playing instruments which conforms to the stereotypical expectation of the pop genre, as band usually have people playing instruments, its part of there USP(unique selling point) so the video has to demonstrate this.


Here I was at Richmix theater on a music video workshop with the director _________ who directed spice girls  and Robbie Williams. At this workshop, there were a selection of schools, our objective was to replicate the music video Robbie Williams - Let me Entertain you. This was to get us used to being loose on camera and overall gain the understanding of a better performance when it comes to filming. We also got a few tips on how to film. In this image i am on the chair being pushed by a fellow member of the team from another school, we had a camera a chair and a person to push us. I was on the chair, there was other person handling the chair and a Robbie cam, my duties was to film the band, and get closeups of them playing instruments, and generally shots i though were interesting. The Robbie cam was primarily focusing on the person playing Robbie Williams, and the other camera was also doing what i was doing but on the opposing side. We were pushed on the chair in a semi-circular pattern, throughout the whole song. because there was no dolly, or tripod we was essentially playing those parts; we was given a tip by the director, we was supposed to place our elbow on the upper part of our hip, and lock it the best we could whilst holding our right hind through the strap and steadying it with our left hand. This tip was very useful, the footage was fairly steady, and we gained some nice shots. A disadvantage was the fact the person pushing me ran in to bumps on the floor due to wiring, so sometimes there was  a lag in the shot. 

I See Girls (past student analysis)

This is a Music video composed by a student at Hurtwood House, The song is called I See Girls and the thing i like most about the video is the special effects, they use allot of depth of field to focus the subject matter on the instruments or people playing the instruments. In the opening on the shot where the band member is playing the keyboard they clearly show editing to the beat of the track, on every 4th beat there is a abstract noise as part of the track, so the editor blurs the shot on each 4th beat and plays the note on the keyboard. furthermore this effect works well, and conforms the the pop genre. 

This is a example of  a performance based based music video, as the video is of a band purely playing there instruments and singing. This works well for this genre, as there is not usually a good enough story to make a narrative based video on,  stereo-typically pop songs lyrics are usually about sex, and party life. Stereo-typically the artists there selfs are a portrayed as good looking so the production company wants allot of close ups, of the band. 

In this music video there are allot of close ups of the main singer, to connote sexual appeal to the female audience. And power, he is the lead so he should have more close ups, there are also allot of close ups on the band members playing instruments which conforms to the stereotypical expectation of the pop genre, as band usually have people playing instruments, its part of there USP(unique selling point) so the video has to demonstrate this.