Thursday 10 November 2011

Gender representation and stereotypes

Men Stereotypes:
Men engaged in significantly more aggressive and dominant behavior.
Men are typically represented as as independent, adventurous, unemotional and competent.
Men are generally playing male occupational roles such as Fire Fighters, Mechanics ect.

Women are stereo typically playing more feminine roles such as Cheerleaders, Teachers, or Waitresses.
Women are generally engaged in more explicit, sexual and passive behavior(Male gaze)
Women are represented as objects of sexual objects.
women are presented in provocative or revealing clothing.
portrayed as decorative objects such as dancers, compared to males playing instruments

Both of these lists of stereotypes are commonly/most often found in the Hip Hop genre, but they are stereotypes that are found in most genre's just more underground.

In most of Britney Spears' videos, she commonly conforms to stereotypical representations of women in music videos, for example she plays a Flight attendant in the music video ''Toxic", this is a clear example of where the music industry conforms to the representation of women, for example her clothing, She is wearing a tight blue outfit in which there is a cutout around her breasts, which is to appeal to the male gaze. the role itself is demeaning to women as its not a highly respected job, compared to say a lawyer, which is a job that the music industry would  portray as a male role.

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